Black Lung

In the deadly cold winter of 2014, Black Lung emerged from the underbelly of Baltimore with unprecedented amounts of volume. A union of Adam Bufano, Elias Mays Schutzman (of The Flying Eyes) and multi-instrumentalist Dave Cavalier, the trio toes the line between sonic...

White hills

White Hills are proponents of transformation through sound. The music made by Dave W. and Ego Sensation is risky and cutting edge, while being hyper-conscious of society’s constant desire for a new and better drug.

Temple Fang

When we found our new drummer Egon Loosveldt in August of 2021 we had 5 weeks with him to prepare for the upcoming run of shows we had booked, the first ‘real’ shows after the pandemic. Because our first ever jams with him were so inspired, instead of teaching him the...


Desert Rock band from Bergen, Norway – the least desert country in the world.

Glasgow Coma Scale

Die Frankfurter Instrumental-Band Glasgow Coma Scale, benannt nach einer in der Medizin verwendeten Skala für Bewusstseinsstörungen, wird ihrer Hauptausrichtung nach in den Medien als Post Rock-Band geführt. Also eine recht entspannt vor sich hin groovende Erfahrung?...